Tag Archives: Hawaii

Broken Down and Put BACK together AGAIN

Broken Down and put Together Again

I imagine that when Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall and couldn’t be put back together again, his first thought was “this is some bull!  How in the hell did I get on the “wall” in the first place?  And why if I was put there is there no way to put me back together again.  I think most people have the same thoughts when living new uncomfortable experiences.

In most cases we follow our bliss or more than often work with the hand we were dealt.  If I’m not the dealer but I have to work with what I’m given, why then was my ability to carry this load not considered prior to dishing it out to me.  I’ve often been subjected to fits and climates I never thought I’d be able to reconcile.  Even to this day, I’m handed, given, forced to carry things I didn’t initially think were mine or that I could handle.  I believe however, the author of all things, which are one, enables us when we truly seek to carry out the plan for our individual lives as opposed to complaining our way around the immediate subject at hand.

Picture this if you can, there are waves, giant and small that carry us the distance.  They sweep us to the moments that motivate us and the ones that disgust us…but if you’ve ever taken time to watch a true surfer…  You’ll see that even if he crashes he doesn’t stay down long.  He wades it out and catches the next wave so that he can twist and turn, sway and swoon, almost making love to the water itself.

I was in Hawaii not long ago for a friends wedding and well, some much needed down time.  One day my friend and I decided to take a walk along the sands.  It was beautiful out.  People everywhere, music playing, drinks flowing; you could even see folk’s hang gliding and flying kites.  It was truly a bliss filled day.   Of course there were plenty of people in the ocean, kids laughing and enough skin showing along the shore to cover 1000 statues of the Buddha.  I mean people were out to have a good old time.  As I walked and listened to a bit of Fred Hammond (get into him if ya don’t know) when a particular surfer caught my eye.  So much so that I decided to take video of him as he wrestled his board with the water.  He would come back to shore, run into the water but would attempt to do a flip as he entered the current.  Brave to say the least, he intrigued me.

He did notice me watching eventually and after several cracks at it whilst I watched he was able to grab the exact wave he wanted.  I enjoyed his triumph and he gave me a wave of “Finally” we both smiled and I walked on dredging my feet in the white sands.  As I did so and the song I was listening to rose to climax I had an epiphany.  The waves we so daringly seek to ride are the ones that usually conflict us the most, they press us to pull harder and force us to be combative, show much defense and ignite offensive thinking.  You see, a small wave makes no mutter and doesn’t in most cases grow us or take us very far, it’s in that waves that can crash us, break us, pull us down that when we stand on that board rises us to measure. 

I’ve been broken, a fe times; I’ve looked into my mothers’ eyes and seen the joy of my winning and the depth of her sadness when I’ve lost.  I’ve witnessed the glee and cheer of those surrounding me who believe at the time and I’ve felt the dark coldness of being lonely when the road is ruff and I must travel alone.  When the stars are aligned for my triumph and heat at the nape of my neck when the wicked seek to destroy me.   Yes Humpty Dumpy, you are exactly right…it does feel like some bullshit when you’ve hit the ground and there are no kings men in place to help put you back together again.

But have you ever stopped to think; the men/women around you could be wolves in kings clothing waiting to devour you in spirit as you tumble and fumble the road?  Have you ever appraised the relationships of those who sit alongside you, skillfully nudging you off the wall while seemingly holding you together?  Let me tell you something, bravery does not mean you suffer no anxiety in your just reasoning to be fair or present to the life awarded you, or account those who want to be of the inner courts of your life.  Bravery knows when to jump so you don’t get pushed off the wall.  My theory is that Humpty’s ass didn’t fall, no, in fact Humpty trusted everyone the same when that just can’t be the way you live.

I’m inciting no riot here; I’m merely suggesting that we recognize the cost of riding Big Waves.  There are people who may look like you because they sit next to you at work, in church, at school – but be mindful that not everyone is designed to ride/walk with you.  I am of firm belief that when your Master Love Source decides, sees fit, acknowledges that you are ready to be promoted, chances are He’s going to break you first.  Ahhh.  And it is in that breaking that All glory comes forth.

We don’t see ourselves as who He has made us, we see ourselves as who we want to be…and even that shell has to be broken if you are truly willing to be designed for greatness.  Brokenness, yes, it feels like who da hell! Lol, I’d be lying if I said otherwise – losing friends and family, jobs and “soul mates” hurts…it just does.  But we are Not Humpty baby, we ain’t waiting on kings men, nope, uhn un…we have a King who will ride out for and with us.  Specifically designing the waves of our individual lives.  There’s a master designer at work that wills to see you meet the mark, catch the wave and ride it all the way to the fullness of your destiny.  All it takes from you is 1%.  1% of work, faith, belief, strength and trust; the wave may be high, the current strong, the wind roaring…but He has your hand.

What I learned from that kid on the beach was “Go For It! And Go with EVERYTHING in you with no fear.  I’m a complete believer that His strength is Made perfect when ours is Gone.  Humpty’s was gone; problem was he called on the wrong king. I can’t make you believe, but I can tell you, as sure as I was on my knees with my face buried in my bedroom floor crying out for guidance, love and protection, vision and light, lifting and provision…the wave I was on carried me to an entirely new ocean of hope, faith and trust.  I trust Him more, even with every dark cloud not yet been lifted- I trust the calculation and timing of the waves I get to ride.  I keep my eyes and ears open and I look for the light/energy in those I choose to share bread with.  Yes, I have been broken down- But I’m being put back together Again.